Mindset shifts for a Web Dev

There is one thing that all good programmers have in common and that is that they have a good mindset. They built their mindsets throughout trials and tribulations that they went through while they learned to code and even after that. Of course not all developers or programmers have the same mindsets, but there are some basic elements of these mindsets that all developers have, or should have. Developing and constantly improving this mindset is crucial for becoming a good developer or programmer.

So what are these basic mindset shifts or thoughts that every developer should master?

Well, to find these I went through what I learned throughout my journey, and also collected the advice from more experienced developers. With these informations I came to the conclusions that the developer mindset has 4 basic components, which are:

  1. Remember your goal
  2. Put your ego to the side
  3. Look at your code from a different angle
  4. Learn when you need to take a break

1.Remember your goal

The first among these mindsets is to remember your goal. This is especially important when you get stuck with one of your projects or just simply go through a hard time developing something.

In these times it is really important to remember why you are doing what you are doing, and what are your goals because that's the only way you can push through these hard times.

But please be aware that simply keeping your goals in mind won't make you succeed in life. To succeed you need to be consistent on your journey. If you are interested on this topic, I highly recommend you checking out a book named “Atomic Habits”.

2.Put your ego to the side

Putting your ego to the side can be really challenging, but its really important too. It is specially important for when you have to ask someone for advice or when you have to google something because you forgot it, and these times our ego can be a barrier telling us that we don't need help, because we know the answer to that problem, but in reality we all know that that is not true all the time. There are times when you simply need to ask someone, or you need to google something, and for that you need to let go of your ego.

3.Looking at your code from a different angle

When you are seemingly unable to solve a problem in your code with a specific approach, maybe what you should try is take a step back and look at the problem again and try to solve it from a different angle or with a different approach.

4.Learn when you need to take a break

Although I left this as the last mindset component I my opinion this is one of the most important ones.

You need to learn when to take a break. Why? Because when you are stuck on a problem you can get overwhelmed or frustrated very easily, and when you are frustrated it's going to be very hard to solve a problem, because you won't be able to think with pure logic.

It is very important to learn to take breaks at these times, so you can calm your mind, regroup your thoughts and solve that problem.